Autism Therapy

Shine Through The Spectrum

Need an Autism Developmental Educator?

Navigating day-to-day activities can sometimes be a bit tricky, but autism specific developmental education can help to enhance everyday life skills. Our specialised therapists offer comprehensive autism assessments. We have a wide range of autism therapy services that we offer, alongside a dedicated team who are committed to understanding and supporting every family. When it comes to comprehensive and compassionate help, we’re here for you.

We’ll start by assessing you and your family’s needs in depth. Then, we’ll create a plan with proven strategies that promote independence, adaptability, and joy in day-to-day activities. Whether you need help improving a loved one’s fine motor skills or help in navigating social situations, we’re here to help every step of the way.

Counselling Services

The journey of understanding and embracing autism is a unique one.

Our counselling services work by creating a comforting space for individuals and families to explore their feelings, tackle daily challenges, and celebrate all the wins. Our experienced counsellors are here to listen, support, and empower you through personalised sessions.

Recovery Coaching

Everyone’s journey with autism has its ups and downs. Our recovery coaching is all about building resilience and equipping you and your family with the tools to face life’s everyday hurdles.

Our dedicated team is here to support you through the rough times and celebrate the wins, making sure that you have the confidence and resources to succeed.

Autism Early Intervention

Early intervention for autism can pave the way for transformative growth, helping kids and teens develop the skills they need to take part in life’s everyday activities. We offer bespoke early intervention autism programs, designed to encourage development and understanding from the earliest stages.

We have carefully curated our programs to create a supportive environment for each child. This means that they have the tools and support they need to develop and thrive.

Autism Therapy Programs

Everyone is different, so our autism therapy programs are designed to meet each family’s diverse needs.

They also go beyond one-on-one sessions. From interactive workshops to enriching group sessions, we create spaces where children can thrive by learning, interacting, and growing. Most of all, our programs are all grounded in understanding and acceptance.

Join us at Autistic GEM, where we're more than just caregivers - we're companions on your unique adventure, dedicated to making your autism journey shine.

Reach Out Today
Want to contact us directly?

Call 0402 696 048
L2, Oran Park Town Centre,

351 Oran Park Drive, Oran Park